This repository has been archived on 2020-06-13. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.

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2020-02-18 10:47:46 -05:00
@define('PENGUINCODER_BASE', dirname(__FILE__));
require PENGUINCODER_BASE . '/lib/base.php';
global $pdata;
// page variables
$actionId = Util::getFormData('actionId');
$id = Util::getFormData('id');
$category = Util::getFormData('category');
$admin = Auth::getAuth('penguincoder:admin');
$adminDelete = Auth::getAuth('penguincoder:admin', PERMS_DELETE);
$goodEntry = true;
// sorting variables, only for list showing and determining which
// direction to fetch the next journal from (previous, next)
// direction is sort direction, either resolves to true (ascending) or
// false (descending)
$direction = Util::getFormData('direction');
if ($direction == '1') {
$direction = true;
} elseif ($direction == '0') {
$direction = false;
} else {
$direction = null;
// order is the field to order the entries by, true is date otherwise it
// is defaulted to the entry title
$order = Util::getFormData('order');
if ($order !== 'title') {
$order = 'id';
switch ($actionId) {
case 'post':
case 'edit':
require_once PENGUINCODER_BASE . '/lib/DataForm.php';
if (!$admin) {
// only admins can edit
header('Location: ' . Horde::selfUrl());
$vars = &Variables::getDefaultVariables();
$vars->set('id', $id);
$vars->set('actionId', $actionId);
$vars->set('category', $category);
$form = &Horde_Form::singleton('PDataForm', &$vars);
if ($form->validate($vars)) {
$vals = array(
'title' => $vars->get('title'),
'info' => $vars->get('info'),
'category' => $vars->get('category'),
'attributes' => serialize(array()),
if ($actionId == 'edit') {
$vals['time_modified'] = time();
$result = $pdata->update($id, $vals);
} else {
$vals['time_created'] = time();
$result = $pdata->add($vals);
if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
$notification->push(_("There was a problem saving the entry: ") .
$result->getMessage(), 'horde.error');
} else {
$notification->push(_("Success!"), 'horde.success');
$goodEntry = false;
} elseif ($actionId == 'edit') {
$entry = $pdata->getById($id);
if (is_a($entry, 'PEAR_Error')) {
$goodEntry = false;
$notification->push(_("There was a problem fetching the data: ") .
$entry->getMessage(), 'horde.error');
} else {
$vars->set('time_created', $entry['time_created']);
$vars->set('category', $entry['category']);
$vars->set('title', $entry['title']);
$vars->set('info', $entry['info']);
case 'show':
// base url for generation later
$baseUrl = Util::addParameter(Horde::selfUrl(), 'actionId', 'show');
$appUrl = Horde::selfUrl();
// get the maximum journal id
$maxJournalId = $pdata->getMaxJournalId();
$minJournalId = $pdata->getMinJournalId();
// if no direction has been specified, then you want this id, fetch it
if (is_null($direction)) {
$entry = $pdata->getById($id);
} elseif ($direction) {
$entry = $pdata->getJournalById($id, '>', 'ASC');
} else {
$entry = $pdata->getJournalById($id, '<', 'DESC');
// check the fetched entry
if (is_a($entry, 'PEAR_Error')) {
$goodEntry = false;
$notification->push("There was a problem getting the journal entry: " .
$entry->getMessage(), 'horde.error');
if ($direction) {
$direction = 'ASC';
} else {
$direction = 'DESC';
$entries = $pdata->getByCategory('Journal', $order, $direction);
if (is_a($entries, 'PEAR_Error')) {
$goodEntry = false;
$notification->push("There was a problem getting the information: " .
$entries->getMessage(), 'horde.error');
require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/menu/';
switch ($actionId) {
case 'post':
case 'edit':
if (!is_null($form)) {
$renderer = &new Horde_Form_Renderer();
if ($goodEntry) {
$form->renderActive($renderer, $vars, Horde::selfUrl(), 'post');
} else {
$form->renderInactive($renderer, $vars, Horde::selfUrl(), 'post');
case 'show':
$commentcount = $registry->call('forums/numMessages', array(
$entry['id'], 'penguincoder'));
if (is_a($commentcount, 'PEAR_Error')) {
$commentcount = 0;
if (!is_a($entry, 'PEAR_Error')) {
require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/data/';
require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/actions/';
require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/actions/';
require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/actions/';
require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/actions/';
require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/actions/';
require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/data/';
require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/data/';
$comments = $registry->call('forums/postMessage', array(
'penguincoder', $entry['id'], 'commentCallback'
$threads = $registry->call('forums/renderThreads', array(
$entry['id'], true, 'penguincoder'));
if (is_a($threads, 'PEAR_Error')) {
$threads = $threads->getMessage();
if (is_a($comments, 'PEAR_Error')) {
$comments = $comments->getMessage();
if (!empty($threads)) {
echo '<br />' . $threads;
if (!empty($comments)) {
echo '<br />' . $comments;
if (!is_a($entries, 'PEAR_Error') && count($entries)) {
if ($direction == 'DESC') {
$direction = 0;
} else {
$direction = 1;
require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/journal/';
$style = 'item0';
$counter = 0;
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
if ($style === 'item1') {$style = 'item0';}
else {$style = 'item1';}
include PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/journal/';
include PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/journal/';
echo '<p>&nbsp;</p>';
require $registry->get('templates', 'horde') . '/';