set('id', $id); $vars->set('actionId', $actionId); $vars->set('category', $category); $form = &Horde_Form::singleton('PDataForm', &$vars); if ($form->validate($vars)) { $vals = array( 'title' => $vars->get('title'), 'info' => $vars->get('info'), 'category' => $vars->get('category'), 'attributes' => serialize(array()), ); if ($actionId == 'edit') { $vals['time_modified'] = time(); $result = $pdata->update($id, $vals); } else { $vals['time_created'] = time(); $result = $pdata->add($vals); } if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) { $notification->push(_("There was a problem saving the entry: ") . $result->getMessage(), 'horde.error'); } else { $notification->push(_("Success!"), 'horde.success'); $goodEntry = false; } } elseif ($actionId == 'edit') { $entry = $pdata->getById($id); if (is_a($entry, 'PEAR_Error')) { $goodEntry = false; $notification->push(_("There was a problem fetching the data: ") . $entry->getMessage(), 'horde.error'); } else { $vars->set('time_created', $entry['time_created']); $vars->set('category', $entry['category']); $vars->set('title', $entry['title']); $vars->set('info', $entry['info']); } } break; case 'show': // base url for generation later $baseUrl = Util::addParameter(Horde::selfUrl(), 'actionId', 'show'); $appUrl = Horde::selfUrl(); // get the maximum journal id $maxJournalId = $pdata->getMaxJournalId(); $minJournalId = $pdata->getMinJournalId(); // if no direction has been specified, then you want this id, fetch it if (is_null($direction)) { $entry = $pdata->getById($id); } elseif ($direction) { $entry = $pdata->getJournalById($id, '>', 'ASC'); } else { $entry = $pdata->getJournalById($id, '<', 'DESC'); } // check the fetched entry if (is_a($entry, 'PEAR_Error')) { $goodEntry = false; $notification->push("There was a problem getting the journal entry: " . $entry->getMessage(), 'horde.error'); } break; default: if ($direction) { $direction = 'ASC'; } else { $direction = 'DESC'; } $entries = $pdata->getByCategory('Journal', $order, $direction); if (is_a($entries, 'PEAR_Error')) { $goodEntry = false; $notification->push("There was a problem getting the information: " . $entries->getMessage(), 'horde.error'); } break; } require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/'; require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/menu/'; switch ($actionId) { case 'post': case 'edit': if (!is_null($form)) { $renderer = &new Horde_Form_Renderer(); if ($goodEntry) { $form->renderActive($renderer, $vars, Horde::selfUrl(), 'post'); } else { $form->renderInactive($renderer, $vars, Horde::selfUrl(), 'post'); } } break; case 'show': $commentcount = $registry->call('forums/numMessages', array( $entry['id'], 'penguincoder')); if (is_a($commentcount, 'PEAR_Error')) { $commentcount = 0; } if (!is_a($entry, 'PEAR_Error')) { require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/data/'; require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/actions/'; require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/actions/'; require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/actions/'; require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/actions/'; require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/actions/'; require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/data/'; require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/data/'; } $comments = $registry->call('forums/postMessage', array( 'penguincoder', $entry['id'], 'commentCallback' )); $threads = $registry->call('forums/renderThreads', array( $entry['id'], true, 'penguincoder')); if (is_a($threads, 'PEAR_Error')) { $threads = $threads->getMessage(); } if (is_a($comments, 'PEAR_Error')) { $comments = $comments->getMessage(); } if (!empty($threads)) { echo '
' . $threads; } if (!empty($comments)) { echo '
' . $comments; } break; default: if (!is_a($entries, 'PEAR_Error') && count($entries)) { if ($direction == 'DESC') { $direction = 0; } else { $direction = 1; } require PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/journal/'; $style = 'item0'; $counter = 0; foreach ($entries as $entry) { if ($style === 'item1') {$style = 'item0';} else {$style = 'item1';} include PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/journal/'; $counter++; } include PENGUINCODER_TEMPLATES . '/journal/'; } break; } echo '


'; require $registry->get('templates', 'horde') . '/';