module Merb module GlobalHelpers def nl2br(str) str.gsub(/\n/, '
') end def error_messages_for(obj) obj = instance_variable_get("@#{obj.to_s}") if obj.is_a?(Symbol) return nil if obj.errors.nil? or obj.errors.empty? res = [] res << "
" res << "

The following errors prevented the model from being saved:

" res << "
    " obj.errors.each do |field, msg| res << "
  1. #{msg}
  2. " end res << "
" res << "
" res << "
" res.join end def show_page_description(page) page_cache = Cache.get(page.cache_name) if page_cache.nil? desc = h(page.description.to_s).to_s.gsub(/\"\;/, '"').gsub(/\&\;/, '&') # i need pre/code block together... because i code :) desc.gsub!("<pre><code>", "
        desc.gsub!("</code></pre>", "
") rc = rc.no_span_caps = true rc.filter_styles = true rc.filter_html = true page_cache = rc.to_html.gsub(Page.wiki_word_pattern) do |match| pg_name = $1 if Page.exists?(pg_name) "#{pg_name}" else "#{pg_name}?" end end Cache.put(page.cache_name, page_cache) end page_cache end def show_page_link(page) "#{}" end def tag_cloud(tags) max = 0 tags.each { |tag| max = tag.count.to_i if tag.count.to_i > max } min = max tags.each { |tag| min = tag.count.to_i if tag.count.to_i < min } divisor = ((max - min) / tag_cloud_styles.size) + 1 tags.collect { |t| "#{}" }.join(' ') end def tag_cloud_styles %w(tag_cloud_1 tag_cloud_2 tag_cloud_3 tag_cloud_4 tag_cloud_5 tag_cloud_6 tag_cloud_7 tag_cloud_8 tag_cloud_9 tag_cloud_10 tag_cloud_11 tag_cloud_12) end def allowed_to?(name, obj = nil) return false if session[:author_id].nil? @author_for_permissions ||= Author.find(session[:author_id]) has_base = Permission.author_has_permission_to?(name, @author_for_permissions) if obj and obj.respond_to?('author_id') and obj.author_id != session[:author_id] has_base and Permission.author_has_permission_to?("any_#{name}", @author_for_permissions) else has_base end end def block_to_partial(partial_name, options = {}, &block) options.merge!(:body => capture(&block)) concat(partial(partial_name, :locals => options), block.binding) end def photo_url(photo) "/photos/#{}/#{photo.filename}" end def screen_photo_url(photo) url(:controller => 'photos', :action => 'screen', :id => end def thumbnail_photo_url(photo) url(:controller => 'photos', :action => 'thumbnail', :id => end def indicator "" end def tuxconfig Merb::Plugins.config[:tuxbliki] end end end