#!/bin/bash # must be run from Merb.root merb -i << EOF a = Author.find :first ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection({ :adapter => 'mysql', :username => 'andrew', :socket => '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock', :database => 'drupal' }) nodes = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT * FROM node") comments = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT * FROM comments") #ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DELETE FROM files WHERE filename = 'thumbnail' OR filename = 'preview'") #files = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT * FROM files") ActiveRecord::Base.connection.disconnect! ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(YAML::load_file('config/database.yml')[:development]) pages = [] nodes.each_hash do |node| next unless node['type'] == 'blog' c = Time.now c -= (c.to_i - node['created'].to_i).seconds [ [ /<\/?em>/, '_' ], [ /<\/?strong>/, '*' ], [ /
/, 'bq.' ], [ /<\/blockquote>/, '' ], [ /<\/?strike>/, '-' ], [ /<\/?sup>/, '^' ], [ /<\/?sub>/, '~' ], [ /<\/?pre>/, '' ], [ /<\/?code>/, '@' ], [ /
/, "\n" ], [ /<\/?[ou]l>/, '' ], [ /
  • /, '* ' ], [ /<\/li>/, '' ], [ /\&\;/, '&' ] ].each do |regexp| node['body'].gsub!(regexp.first, regexp.last) end node['body'].gsub!(/(.+)<\/a>/) do |match| "\"#{\$2}\":#{\$1}" end p = Page.new :name => node['title'].gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/, ''), :created_at => c, :description => node['body'], :published => true, :nid => node['nid'] p.author_id = a.id pages << p end pages.each do |p| p.save if p.new_record? \$stderr.puts "FAILED TO SAVE PAGE #{p.name} #{p.nid}" p.errors.each_full { |msg| \$stderr.puts "* #{msg}" } next else puts "Saved page #{p.id} for node #{p.nid}" end comments.data_seek(0) comments.each_hash do |comment| next unless comment['nid'].to_i == p.nid.to_i c2 = Time.now c2 -= (c2.to_i - comment['timestamp'].to_i).seconds c = Comment.create(:comment => comment['comment'], :user => comment['name'], :url => comment['homepage'], :created_at => c2) if c.new_record? \$stderr.puts "FAILED TO SAVE COMMENT ON PAGE #{p.id} NODE #{p.nid}" c.errors.each_full { |msg| \$stderr.puts "* #{msg}" } else puts "Saved comment id #{c.id} for page #{p.id} node #{p.nid}" end end end.size EOF