', '' ); ?>

$nr_actions_required, 'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ), 'template_directory' => get_template_directory_uri(), 'no_required_actions_text' => __( 'Hooray! There are no required actions for you right now.','themotion' ), ) ); } } /** * Load scripts for customizer page * * @since */ public function themotion_welcome_scripts_for_customizer() { wp_enqueue_style( 'themotion-welcome-screen-customizer-css', get_template_directory_uri() . '/inc/admin/welcome-screen/css/welcome_customizer.css' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'themotion-welcome-screen-customizer-js', get_template_directory_uri() . '/inc/admin/welcome-screen/js/welcome_customizer.js', array( 'jquery' ), '20120206', true ); global $themotion_required_actions; $nr_actions_required = 0; /* get number of required actions */ if ( get_option( 'themotion_show_required_actions' ) ) { $themotion_show_required_actions = get_option( 'themotion_show_required_actions' ); } else { $themotion_show_required_actions = array(); } if ( ! empty( $themotion_required_actions ) ) { foreach ( $themotion_required_actions as $themotion_required_action_value ) { if ( ( ! isset( $themotion_required_action_value['check'] ) || ( isset( $themotion_required_action_value['check'] ) && ( $themotion_required_action_value['check'] == false ) ) ) && ( ( isset( $themotion_show_required_actions[ $themotion_required_action_value['id'] ] ) && ( $themotion_show_required_actions[ $themotion_required_action_value['id'] ] == true ) ) || ! isset( $themotion_show_required_actions[ $themotion_required_action_value['id'] ] ) ) ) { $nr_actions_required ++; } } } wp_localize_script( 'themotion-welcome-screen-customizer-js', 'themotionWelcomeScreenCustomizerObject', array( 'nr_actions_required' => $nr_actions_required, 'aboutpage' => esc_url( admin_url( 'themes.php?page=themotion-welcome#actions_required' ) ), 'customizerpage' => esc_url( admin_url( 'customize.php#actions_required' ) ), ) ); } /** * Dismiss required actions * * @since */ public function themotion_dismiss_required_action_callback() { global $themotion_required_actions; $themotion_dismiss_id = isset( $_GET['dismiss_id'] ) ? $_GET['dismiss_id'] : 0; echo esc_attr( $themotion_dismiss_id ); /* this is needed and it's the id of the dismissable required action */ if ( ! empty( $themotion_dismiss_id ) ) { /* if the option exists, update the record for the specified id */ if ( get_option( 'themotion_show_required_actions' ) ) { $themotion_show_required_actions = get_option( 'themotion_show_required_actions' ); $themotion_show_required_actions[ $themotion_dismiss_id ] = false; update_option( 'themotion_show_required_actions', $themotion_show_required_actions ); /* create the new option,with false for the specified id */ } else { $themotion_show_required_actions_new = array(); if ( ! empty( $themotion_required_actions ) ) { foreach ( $themotion_required_actions as $themotion_required_action ) { if ( $themotion_required_action['id'] == $themotion_dismiss_id ) { $themotion_show_required_actions_new[ $themotion_required_action['id'] ] = false; } else { $themotion_show_required_actions_new[ $themotion_required_action['id'] ] = true; } } update_option( 'themotion_show_required_actions', $themotion_show_required_actions_new ); } } } die(); // this is required to return a proper result } /** * Welcome screen content * * @since */ public function themotion_welcome_screen() { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-load.php'; require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin.php'; require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php'; ?>