+++ title = "Resume" description = "A history of professional, educational, and personal interests" weight = 1 +++ # Summary I am a polyglot developer with considerable experience in Ruby and Rails and cloud infrastructure. I excel at being a force multiplier, mentoring developers, and writing clear and useful documentation for other engineers. I am passionate about giving my teams the tools they need to develop and deliver software by creating powerful and simple development and deployment environments. # Work History ## OysterHR, Remote ### Tech Lead & Staff Software Engineer September 2021 - 20 January 2023 * Designed and implemented a reproducible and identical local stack across Linux and macOS using `nix`, `direnv`, `just`, and `supervisord` * Single-handedly reduced new engineer onboarding time to about 2 hours * Supported the entire engineering department with the local development environment in both Linux and macOS * Rewrote the git-hosted markdown documentation into a complete tutorial and walkthrough to onboard new developers using Notion * Developed policies and best practices for features across multiple teams and stakeholders, including product * Designed complex data structures for use in all countries serviced by Oyster * Collaborated with product owners to document feature requirements and time estimates * Implemented features of all sizes as well as writing fixes for ad-hoc failures * Added instrumentation to track arbitrary metrics for features and performance * Participated in many technical interviews, resulting in hiring many new engineers including other Staff level engineers ## Consolo Services / WellSky, Remote ### Principal Software Architect June 2006 - August 2021 * Founding engineer of the team; one of four initial employees * Led product from a tiny startup of about 7 customers to over 30 M requests / month * Led migration of the core application from pre-beta Ruby on Rails all the way to Kubernetes deployments using Helm charts first in AWS and later in GCP * Implemented one of the most sophisticated billing systems for hospice and Medicare * Spearheaded a platform-wide documentation project to share knowledge * Designed benchmarks to improve system response times across the entire platform * Committed bug fixes to `vagrant`, the open source development tool * We sold the Consolo IP to WellSky in 2019 at a $50M valuation * Contributed in some way to each of the 20+ microservices * Fostered new developers ## Performance Support, Montgomery, AL ### Systems Operator October 2004 - June 2006 * Maintained an interim Secret clearance * Managed Department of Defense computer systems at Maxwell Air Force base * Developed tools to automate system maintenance tasks and shift duties * Reduced a process from 3 hours per shift to an automated email every 15 minutes * Administered machines running HP-UX on PA-RISC processors # Technologies
Ruby and Ruby on Rails | I have used Ruby and Rails professionally since 2006 |
Documentation | Notion, mdbook , and Markdown |
Cloud Computing | AWS and GCP |
Containers | Docker, podman , firecracker , and FreeBSD jails |
Automation | Terraform, Ansible, just , and plain shell scripts |
CI / CD | CircleCI, Google Cloud Build, Jenkins, and Github Actions |
Instrumentation | Prometheus, Alertmanager, Grafana, Honeycomb, NewRelic, and DataDog |
Databases | PostgreSQL and SQLite |
Other languages | I have used Rust, Erlang, Elixir, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, C, and Java to solve all manner of tasks. |