serverRunning(); if (!$serverUp) { $notification->push( _("The server is down; player info is unavailable. ")); } // figure out what to do $actionId = Util::getFormData('actionId'); $playerId = Util::getFormData('playerId'); $valid = false; $unban = false; switch($actionId) { case 'unbanip': case 'unbanname': case 'unbankey': $unban = true; case 'banip': case 'banname': case 'bankey': case 'kick': $valid = true; } if ($valid && $admin && $serverUp) { $result = $nwndriver->sendCommand($actionId . ' ' . $playerId); if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) { $notification->push(_("There was a problem with the command: ") . $result->getMessage()); } else { $notification->push(_("Success!"), 'horde.success'); } } // get the players and bans $players = array(); $bans = array(); if ($serverUp) { $result = $nwndriver->sendCommand('status', true); if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) { $notification->push(_("There was a problem getting the player info: ") . $result->getMessage(), 'horde.error'); } else { sleep(1); $playerResult = $nwndriver->getLogContent(); $resultArray = explode("\n", $playerResult); foreach ($resultArray as $pr) { $prA = explode('|', $pr); if (count($prA) == 5 && trim($prA[0]) !== 'ID') { $players[] = array('id' => trim($prA[0]), 'name' => trim($prA[1]), 'ip' => trim($prA[2]), 'character' => trim($prA[3]), 'key' => trim($prA[4])); } } if (empty($players)) { $notification->push(_("There are no players connected.")); } } $result = $nwndriver->sendCommand('listbans', true); if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) { $notification->push(_("There was a problem getting the ban info: ") . $result->getMessage(), 'horde.error'); } else { sleep(1); $banResult = $nwndriver->getLogContent(); $resultArray = explode("\n", $banResult); $banType = ''; foreach ($resultArray as $theBan) { $theBan = trim($theBan); if (strpos($theBan, 'Key')) { $banType = 'unbankey'; continue; } elseif (strpos($theBan, 'Addresses')) { $banType = 'unbanip'; continue; } elseif (strpos($theBan, 'Name')) { $banType = 'unbanname'; continue; } if (!empty($banType) && !empty($theBan)) { $bans[$banType][] = $theBan; } } if (empty($bans)) { $notification->push(_("There are no bans in place.")); } } } // page setup $title = _("Player Information"); require_once NWNADMIN_TEMPLATES . '/'; require_once NWNADMIN_TEMPLATES . '/'; // render the player info $baseUrl = Horde::applicationUrl('player.php', true); if (!empty($players)) { require NWNADMIN_TEMPLATES . '/player/'; $style = 'item1'; foreach ($players as $player) { if ($style == 'item1') { $style = 'item0'; } else { $style = 'item1'; } require NWNADMIN_TEMPLATES . '/player/'; } require NWNADMIN_TEMPLATES . '/player/'; } // render ban info if (!empty($bans)) { require NWNADMIN_TEMPLATES . '/player/'; foreach ($bans as $unbantype => $b) { $style = 'item1'; foreach ($b as $theBan) { if ($style == 'item1') { $style = 'item0'; } else { $style = 'item1'; } require NWNADMIN_TEMPLATES . '/player/'; } } require NWNADMIN_TEMPLATES . '/player/'; } // finish up the page require_once $registry->get('templates', 'horde') . '/';