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2003-12-03 12:38:51 -05:00
import java.util.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
*, models graph management and creation.<br>
* Implements: GraphInterface.<br>
* @author <A HREF="">Matt Markham</A><BR>
public class Graph implements GraphInterface
//size integer variable to keep track of number of nodes in the graph
private int size;
//Double two-dimensional array for the adjacency matrix
private double[][] adjacent;
//boolean to determine whether a graph is directed
private boolean directed;
//Vertex storage list
private ArrayList vertexList;
//int to determin generic unweighted value
private final int UNWEIGHTED_VALUE = 1;
//temporary Arraylist for dfs
private ArrayList tempAL=new ArrayList();
//ArrayList containing the current shortest path
private ArrayList path;
* Default Constructor, creates an undirected graph.<br>
public Graph ()
size = 0;
adjacent = new double[size][size];
vertexList = new ArrayList();
path = new ArrayList();
* Constructor, takes a boolean to determine directed or undirected.<br>
public Graph (boolean param)
size = 0;
adjacent = new double[size][size];
vertexList = new ArrayList();
path = new ArrayList();
public void makeEmpty()
adjacent = new double[size][size];
public boolean isEmpty()
return (size==0);
public int numVertices()
return size;
public int numEdges()
int c=0;
for(int x=0; x<size;x++)
for(int y=0;y<size;y++)
if (!(adjacent[x][y]==(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)))
c++; //Insert nerdy joke here
return c;
public void addVertex (GraphNode myItem) throws GraphException
for(int a=0; a<vertexList.size();a++)
if ( ((GraphNode) vertexList.get(a)).getKey().compareTo ( myItem.getKey() ) == 0 )
throw new GraphException ( "Duplicate entry" );
resizeAdjacent ( vertexList.size() );
* Method to resize the adjacency matrix.<br>
* Preconditions: must be passed a new size value.<br>
* Postconditions: resizes adjacency matrix.<br>
* Throws: None.
private void resizeAdjacent ( int size )
double[][] temp = new double[size][size];
for( int x = 0; x < size - 1; x++)
for ( int y = 0; y < size - 1; y++ )
temp[x][y] = adjacent[x][y];
for ( int x = 0; x < size; x++ )
temp[x][size - 1] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
temp[size - 1][x] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
adjacent = temp;
public void addEdge(Comparable searchKey1, Comparable searchKey2, double weight) throws GraphException
for(int x=0; x<size; x++)
if ( ((GraphNode) vertexList.get(x)).getKey().compareTo(searchKey1) == 0 )
for(int y=0; y<size;y++)
if ( ((GraphNode) vertexList.get(y)).getKey().compareTo(searchKey2) == 0 )
}//end if get(y)
}// end for y
}//end if get(x)
}//end for x
throw new GraphException ( "Duplicate found!" );
public void addEdge(Comparable searchKey1, Comparable searchKey2) throws GraphException
for(int x=0; x<size; x++)
if ( ((GraphNode) vertexList.get(x)).getKey().compareTo(searchKey1) == 0 )
for(int y=0; y<size;y++)
if ( ((GraphNode) vertexList.get(y)).getKey().compareTo(searchKey2) == 0 )
}//end if get(y)
}// end for y
}//end if get(x)
}//end for x
throw new GraphException ( "Duplicate found!" );
public double getWeight(Comparable searchKey1, Comparable searchKey2) throws GraphException
for(int x=0; x<size;x++)
if ( ((GraphNode) vertexList.get(x)).getKey().compareTo(searchKey1) == 0 )
for(int y=0; y<size;y++)
if ( ((GraphNode) vertexList.get(y)).getKey().compareTo(searchKey2) == 0 )
return adjacent[x][y];
}//end if get(y)
}// end for y
}//end if get(x)
}//end for x
throw new GraphException ( "Edge does not exist!");
public GraphNode getVertex(int index) throws GraphException
if (index>size)
throw new GraphException ("index out of bounds!");
return (GraphNode)vertexList.get(index);
public GraphNode getVertex(Comparable searchKey) throws GraphException
for (int x=0;x<vertexList.size();x++)
if ( ((GraphNode) vertexList.get(x)).getKey().compareTo(searchKey) == 0)
return (GraphNode) vertexList.get(x);
throw new GraphException ("Vertex not Found in List!");
* FInds the index of a given searchKey.<br>
* Preconditions: Must be passed searchKey.<br>
* Postconditions: returns integer index of given searchKey.<br>
* Throws:Nonde.
private int findVertex (Comparable searchKey)
for (int d=0; d<size;d++)
if ( ((GraphNode) vertexList.get(d)).getKey().compareTo(searchKey) == 0 )
{ return d; }
return -1;
* Clears all vertices, sets all to be unmarked.<br>
* Preconditions: None.<br>
* Postconditions: Makes all vertices unmarked.<br>
* Throws:None.
private void clearMarks()
for (int x=0;x<size;x++)
((GraphNode) vertexList.get(x)).setMarked(false);
public Comparable getSearchKey (int index)
return ((GraphNode)(vertexList.get(index))).getKey();
public void removeEdge(Comparable searchKey1, Comparable searchKey2) throws GraphException
int a=findVertex(searchKey1);
int b=findVertex(searchKey2);
if (a==-1 || b==-1)
throw new GraphException ("Entry not found in list!");
public ArrayList bfs (Comparable searchKey) throws GraphException
GraphNode temp;
ArrayList searchList = new ArrayList();
QueueReferenceBased bfsQueue= new QueueReferenceBased();
while (!bfsQueue.isEmpty())
for(int g=0;g<size;g++)
if (adjacent[findVertex(temp.getKey())][g] != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY && !getVertex(g).isMarked())
}//end if
}//end for
}//end while
return searchList;
public GraphNode removeVertex ( Comparable key ) throws GraphException
int index = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < vertexList.size(); i++ )
if ( ((GraphNode) vertexList.get ( i )).getKey().compareTo ( key ) == 0 )
index = i;
if ( index == -1 )
throw new GraphException ( "Vertex not in graph" );
double[][] temp = new double[adjacent.length - 1][adjacent.length - 1];
for ( int row = 0; row < adjacent.length; row++ )
for ( int col = 0; col < adjacent[0].length; col++ )
if ( row != index && col != index )
int newrow = row;
int newcol = col;
/* make sure the row/col are not in the row/col of the vertex to be removed */
if ( row > index )
newrow = row - 1;
if ( col > index )
newcol = col - 1;
temp[newrow][newcol] = adjacent[row][col];
adjacent = temp;
return (GraphNode) vertexList.remove ( index );
public ArrayList dfs (Comparable searchKey) throws GraphException
ArrayList dfsList = new ArrayList();
dfsList=dfsRec(getVertex(searchKey), dfsList);
return dfsList;
* Private recursive method called to generate a breadth-first search.<br>
* Preconditions: Must be passed a graphNode and an ArrayList.<br>
* Postconditions: Returns an Arraylist for the bfs.<br>
* Throws:None.
private ArrayList dfsRec(GraphNode vertex, ArrayList searchRecList)
int i=vertexList.indexOf(vertex);
for(int j=0; j<size; j++)
if (adjacent[i][j]!=(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) &&
dfsRec( getVertex(j), searchRecList );
}//end for j
return searchRecList;
* Draws the panel with all of the edges and vertices. <BR>
* Preconditions: A Graphics object and the radius of the vertecies. <BR>
* Postconditions: Draws all of the neccessary components onto the GraphScreen. <BR>
* @author <A HREF="">Andrew Coleman</A><BR>
public void draw ( Graphics g, int radius )
/* draw all of the edges in orange */
g.setColor ( );
for ( int i = 0; i < adjacent.length; i++ )
int firstx = getVertex ( i ).getX();
int firsty = getVertex ( i ).getY();
String firstkey = getVertex ( i ).getKey().toString();
for ( int j = 0; j < adjacent[i].length; j++ )
if ( adjacent[i][j] != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY )
int secondx = ((GraphNode) getVertex ( j )).getX();
int secondy = ((GraphNode) getVertex ( j )).getY();
String secondkey = (String)((GraphNode) getVertex ( j )).getKey();
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat();
format.setMaximumFractionDigits ( 3 );
int difference = 10;
/* the final x and y coordinates for the string for each edge */
int xcoord, ycoord;
if ( firstx < secondx )
xcoord = (secondx - firstx) / 2 + firstx;
xcoord = (firstx - secondx) / 2 + secondx;
if ( firsty < secondy )
ycoord = (secondy - firsty) / 2 + firsty;
ycoord = (firsty - secondy) / 2 + secondy;
/* if i < j, then the edge goes from j to i */
if ( i < j )
g.drawLine ( firstx, firsty - 10, secondx, secondy - 10 );
g.drawString ( firstkey + " to " + secondkey + ", Weight: " + format.format ( adjacent[i][j] ), xcoord, ycoord - 11 );
/* if i > j, then the edge goes from i to j */
else if ( i > j )
g.drawLine ( firstx, firsty + 10, secondx, secondy + 10 );
g.drawString ( firstkey + " to " + secondkey + ", Weight: " + format.format ( adjacent[i][j] ), xcoord, ycoord + 11 );
/* draw the shortest path stored in green */
g.setColor ( );
for ( int i = 1; i < path.size(); i++ )
int firstx = ((GraphNode) path.get ( i - 1 )).getX();
int firsty = ((GraphNode) path.get ( i - 1 )).getY();
int secondx = ((GraphNode) path.get ( i )).getX();
int secondy = ((GraphNode) path.get ( i )).getY();
g.drawLine ( firstx, firsty, secondx, secondy );
/* draw all of the vertices in dark gray with a light gray border and the comparable data in the middle */
for ( int i = 0; i < numVertices(); i++ )
g.setColor ( Color.lightGray );
GraphNode temp = getVertex ( i );
g.fillOval ( temp.getX() - radius, temp.getY() - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2 );
g.setColor ( Color.darkGray );
int difference = 2;
g.fillOval ( temp.getX() - radius + difference, temp.getY() - radius + difference, (radius - difference) * 2, (radius - difference) * 2 );
g.setColor ( Color.white );
g.drawString ( (String) temp.getKey(), temp.getX(), temp.getY() );
* This method is used to set the arraylist containing the shortest path to be displayed. <BR>
* Preconditions: An arraylist containing a valid shortest path. <BR>
* Postconditions: Sets the current path to the given arraylist. <BR>
* @author <A HREF="">Andrew Coleman</A><BR>
public void setShortestPathDisplay ( ArrayList path )
this.path = path;
* Used to calculate the shortest distance between two vertices using Djisktra's algorithm. <BR>
* Preconditions: Two comparables representing the data in the two vertices. <BR>
* Postconditions: Returns an ArrayList containing the GraphNodes in the path. <BR>
* Throws: Throws a GraphException if the comparables are the same or there is no connecting path. <BR>
* @author <A HREF="">Andrew Coleman</A><BR>
public ArrayList shortestPath ( Comparable firstkey, Comparable lastkey ) throws GraphException {
if ( firstkey.compareTo ( lastkey ) == 0 )
throw new GraphException ( "Cannot find shortest path to same vertex!" );
/* the arraylist containing the raw path array */
ArrayList path = new ArrayList ( vertexList.size() );
/* mark the first vertex */
getVertex ( firstkey ).setMarked ( true );
/* indexes of the first and last search keys */
int firstindex = findIndex ( firstkey );
int secondindex = findIndex ( lastkey );
/* the row of the adjacency matrix at firstindex */
double[] weight = new double[vertexList.size()];
/* initialize the weight/path arrays */
for ( int i = 0; i < weight.length; i++ )
path.add ( vertexList.get ( i ) );
weight[i] = adjacent[firstindex][i];
/* if the weight is not infinity we must change the path to reflect the changes */
if ( weight[i] < Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY )
path.set ( i, getVertex ( firstkey ) );
/* loop through all the elements in the graph, must mark them all */
for ( int i = 1; i < vertexList.size(); i++ )
/* index of smallest vertex */
int smallest = -1;
/* smallest weight thus far that is not marked */
double smallestweight = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for ( int j = 0; j < weight.length; j++ )
/* run through the weight array and find the smallest weight */
if ( smallestweight >= weight[j] && !((GraphNode) vertexList.get ( j )).isMarked() )
/* note smallest vertex */
smallest = j;
smallestweight = weight[j];
/* mark smallest vertex */
GraphNode smallnode = (GraphNode) vertexList.get ( smallest );
smallnode.setMarked ( true );
/* update the weight/path arrays */
for ( int j = 0; j < weight.length; j++ )
/* if a new weight to that vertex is less than the current weight, change the weight in the array and change the path arraylist */
if ( weight[j] > weight[smallest] + adjacent[smallest][j] )
weight[j] = weight[smallest] + adjacent[smallest][j];
path.set ( j, vertexList.get ( smallest ) );
/* backwards path */
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
GraphNode node = getVertex ( lastkey );
int lastindex = findIndex ( lastkey );
/* while the node is not the first node */
while ( lastindex != firstindex )
result.add ( node );
node = (GraphNode) path.get ( lastindex );
int newlastindex = findIndex ( node.getKey() );
/* if the indexes are the same, then there is no way to get to that vertex */
if ( newlastindex == lastindex )
throw new GraphException ( "No connecting path!" );
lastindex = newlastindex;
/* gotta add the first one */
result.add ( getVertex ( firstkey ) );
/* the result to return */
ArrayList sortedresult = new ArrayList ( result.size() );
/* reverse the arraylist */
for ( int i = result.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
sortedresult.add ( result.get ( i ) );
return sortedresult;
* This method finds the index of a given comparable object. <BR>
* Preconditions: A valid comparable key in the graph. <BR>
* Postcondtions: Returns the index of the key, or -1 if the key is not in the graph. <BR>
private int findIndex ( Comparable key )
for ( int i = 0; i < vertexList.size(); i++ )
if ( ((GraphNode) vertexList.get ( i )).getKey().compareTo ( key ) == 0 )
return i;
return -1;