class FundController < ApplicationController in_place_edit_for :fund, :contribution append_before_filter :ensure_post, :only => [ 'add', 'delete', 'use' ] append_before_filter :add_refresh_link, :only => [ 'index' ] def index @funds = Fund.find :all, :include => [ 'baristas' ] add_related_function 'Add Fund', "dojo.widget.byId('fundDialog').show()" end def add allowed_parameters = [ 'name', 'contribution' ] params.delete_if { |key, value| !allowed_parameters.include? key } begin fund = params fund.contribution = 0.0 if params[:contribution].nil? or params[:contribution].empty? fund.balance = 0.0! flash[:info] = 'Word, success!' rescue => exception flash[:error] = 'There was a problem saving the fund: ' + exception.to_s end redirect_to :action => 'index' end def delete fund = Fund.find params[:id].to_i if fund.nil? flash[:error] = 'That fund does not exist!' else old_name = fund[:name] begin fund.destroy flash[:info] = "The fund #{old_name} has been deleted." rescue => exception flash[:error] = "Encountered a problem while removing the fund: " + exception.to_s end end goto_index end def use fund = Fund.find params[:id].to_i if fund.nil? flash[:error] = 'That fund does not exist!' else session[:barista][:fund_id] = params[:id] begin session[:barista].save! session[:barista].reload rescue => exception flash[:error] = "Failed while updating the user: #{exception.to_s}" else flash[:info] = 'Successfully updated the user fund.' end end goto_index end end