class BaristaController < ApplicationController append_before_filter :ensure_post, :only => [ 'add', 'delete', 'edit' ] append_before_filter :add_refresh_link, :only => [ 'index' ] append_before_filter :find_fund, :only => [ 'index' ] ## # Lists all of the baristas in the system # def index @pages, @baristas = paginate :baristas, :order => ' ASC', :per_page => 10, :include => 'fund' add_related_function 'Create Barista', ("dojo.widget.byId('baristaDialog').show();" + "dojo.byId('barista_name').focus()") end ## # Adds a new barista to the system. # def add b = params['barista'] begin! flash[:info] = 'Successfully created a new barista!' rescue => exception flash[:error] = "Failed to create the barista: #{exception.to_s}" end goto_index end def delete # not implemented yet end def edit # nothing to edit, only the password really. and there's none of that now end ## # This method will identify the user -- basically an authenticate. # def identify # user should probably not be here if they are already authenticated goto_default_redirect_url if authenticated? if # mirror mirror on the wall, who is da funkiest of them all? user_to_auth = Barista.find :first, :conditions => [ "name = ?", params[:name] ] if user_to_auth.nil? # busted[:error] = "You're going to have to try harder than that." else # ballin' session[:authenticated] = true session[:barista] = user_to_auth flash[:info] = "Welcome to the Grindable!" # shot callin' goto_default_redirect_url end end end ## # This method should reset the user state to basic -- a deauthenticate. # def anonymize # blank out all knowledge of the user reset_session # go home goto_default_redirect_url end end