update docs

Andrew Coleman 2022-06-29 13:30:20 -04:00
parent 1201fa59bd
commit 758c53ae82
1 changed files with 73 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -112,6 +112,52 @@ pamac build lightly-qt
systemctl enable --now --user ssh-agent.service systemctl enable --now --user ssh-agent.service
``` ```
# Ubuntu / Pop_OS!
sudo apt install -y \
bat \
build-essential \
curl \
cmake \
direnv \
doas \
fzf \
git \
glances \
golang \
hdparm \
htop \
httpie \
hyperfine \
jq \
just \
kitty-terminfo \
libvirt-daemon \
lzop \
most \
mhash \
mosh \
mtr \
neovim \
nmon \
openssh-server \
pgcli \
pv \
p7zip \
ripgrep \
shfmt \
steam-devices \
tmux \
unzip \
vim \
virt-manager \
zoxide \
zfs-dkms \
systemctl enable --now sshd.service
# Bitwarden # Bitwarden
```bash ```bash
@ -131,10 +177,11 @@ bw sync
```bash ```bash
curl -L https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/installer.sh | sh /dev/stdin curl -L https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/installer.sh | sh /dev/stdin
mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/bin"
ln -s "$HOME/.local/kitty.app/bin/kitty" "$HOME/.local/bin/" ln -s "$HOME/.local/kitty.app/bin/kitty" "$HOME/.local/bin/"
cp "$HOME/.local/kitty.app/share/applications/kitty.desktop" "$HOME/.local/share/applications/" cp "$HOME/.local/kitty.app/share/applications/kitty.desktop" "$HOME/.local/share/applications/"
cp "$HOME/.local/kitty.app/share/applications/kitty-open.desktop" "$HOME/.local/share/applications/" cp "$HOME/.local/kitty.app/share/applications/kitty-open.desktop" "$HOME/.local/share/applications/"
sed -i "s|Icon=kitty|Icon=$HOME/.local/kitty.app/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/kitty.png|g" "$HOME/.local/share/applications/kitty*.desktop" sed -i "s|Icon=kitty|Icon=$HOME/.local/kitty.app/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/kitty.png|g" $HOME/.local/share/applications/kitty*.desktop
``` ```
# Nix # Nix
@ -165,6 +212,31 @@ cargo install \
xcp xcp
cargo +nightly install --git https://github.com/martinvonz/jj.git cargo +nightly install --git https://github.com/martinvonz/jj.git
cargo +nightly install --git https://github.com/getzola/zola.git cargo +nightly install --git https://github.com/getzola/zola.git
# ubuntu
cargo install \
atuin \
bottom \
broot \
cargo-flamegraph \
choose \
croc \
difftastic \
du-dust \
fd-find \
git-delta \
gitui \
grex \
hexyl \
htmlq \
sd \
starship \
tealdeer \
tokei \
watchexec \
upterm \
xh \
``` ```
# Chezmoi # Chezmoi