import; import; import; /** * @author Andrew Coleman * Provides a Java implementation for a deterministic finite automata with the ability to minimize a machine. */ public class DFA { private int numstates, numterminals, numfinalstates; private char terminals[]; private int path[][]; private boolean finalstates[]; // constructs a new DFA object from a file as per the in class specs /* * format of the input file: * IntegerN - the number of terminal characters in the machine * Terminal * N - all of the terminals separated by a space * NumStates - number of states in the machine * - next is NumStates * IntegerN rows of transitions * StartState TerminalTransitionChar EndState * NumFinalStates - number of final states * FinalStates - the final states of the machine separated by spaces * * Check the minmachine.txt file for a complete minimizable example. */ DFA ( String filename ) { BufferedReader infile = null; numstates = 0; numterminals = 0; try { infile = new BufferedReader ( new FileReader ( filename ) ); numterminals = Integer.parseInt ( infile.readLine() ); String strterms[] = infile.readLine().split ( " " ); terminals = new char[numterminals]; for ( int slen = 0; slen < numterminals; slen++ ) { terminals[slen] = strterms[slen].charAt ( 0 ); } numstates = Integer.parseInt ( infile.readLine() ); path = new int[numstates][numterminals]; for ( int i = 0; i < (numstates * numterminals); i++ ) { String pathstr[] = infile.readLine().split ( " " ); int first = Integer.parseInt ( pathstr[0] ); int second = Integer.parseInt ( pathstr[2] ); for ( int t = 0; t < numterminals; t ++ ) { if ( terminals[t] == pathstr[1].charAt ( 0 ) ) { path[first][t] = second; break; } } } numfinalstates = Integer.parseInt ( infile.readLine() ); finalstates = new boolean[numstates]; String[] fs = infile.readLine().trim().split ( " " ); for ( int tmp = 0; tmp < numfinalstates; tmp++ ) { finalstates[Integer.parseInt ( fs[tmp] )] = true; } infile.close(); } catch ( IOException exception ) { exception.printStackTrace(); } catch ( Exception exception ) { System.out.println ( "Malformed input file!" ); exception.printStackTrace(); } } // returns a string that is compatible with our input file specification public String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append ( numterminals + "\n" ); for ( int i = 0; i < numterminals; i++ ) buf.append ( terminals[i] + " " ); buf.deleteCharAt ( buf.length() - 1 ); buf.append ( "\n" + numstates + "\n" ); for ( int i = 0; i < numstates; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < numterminals; j++ ) { buf.append ( i + " " + terminals[j] + " " + path[i][j] + "\n" ); } } buf.append ( numfinalstates + "\n" ); for ( int i = 0; i < numstates; i++ ) if ( finalstates[i] == true ) buf.append ( i + " " ); buf.deleteCharAt ( buf.length() - 1 ); return buf.toString(); } public void minimize() { // distinguishable marks boolean mark[][] = new boolean[numstates][numstates]; // the list of reachable states boolean reachable[] = new boolean[numstates]; // a flag for various uses throughout the method boolean flag = true; // remove all unreachable states from consideration altogether // assuming we can always reach q0 reachable[0] = true; boolean visited[] = new boolean[numstates]; // queue-less bfs! while ( flag ) { flag = false; for ( int state = 0; state < numstates; state++ ) { if ( reachable[state] && !visited[state] ) { visited[state] = true; flag = true; for ( int term = 0; term < numterminals; term++ ) { reachable[ path[state][term] ] = true; } }// end if }// endfor state }// end while // find all pairs of states (p,q) such that final[p] != final[q] for ( int statenum = 0; statenum < numstates; statenum++ ) { if ( !reachable[statenum] ) continue; for ( int statenum2 = 0; statenum2 < numstates; statenum2++ ) { if ( !reachable[statenum2] ) continue; if ( finalstates[statenum] != finalstates[statenum2] ) mark[statenum][statenum2] = true; else mark[statenum][statenum2] = false; } } // find all pairs (p,q) and mark them as distinguishable // i am looking at path[p] foreach terminal and path[q], if both // states are distinct, then mark these flag = true; // continue until no mark has been made while ( flag ) { flag = false; for ( int x = 0; x < numstates; x++ ) { if ( !reachable[x] ) continue; for ( int y = 0; y < numstates; y++ ) { if ( x == y ) continue; for ( int t = 0; t < numterminals; t++ ) { if ( mark[ path[x][t] ][ path[y][t] ] && !mark[x][y] ) { mark[x][y] = true; flag = true; } }// end terminal }// endfor second state }// endfor first state }// end while int minstates[] = new int[numstates]; for ( int state = 0; state < numstates; state++ ) { visited[state] = false; if ( !reachable[state] ) minstates[state] = -1; else minstates[state] = state; } // extract the distinguishable states for ( int state = 0; state < numstates; state++ ) { if ( minstates[state] == -1 || visited[state] ) continue; for ( int p = 0; p < numstates; p++ ) { if ( p == state || minstates[p] == -1 ) continue; if ( !mark[state][p] && !visited[p] ) { minstates[p] = state; visited[p] = true; } }// endfor p }// endfor state // set minstate to have all of the new minimized state numbers int unique = 0; for ( int x = 0; x < minstates.length; x++ ) { if ( minstates[x] == x && minstates[x] != -1 ) { for ( int y = 0; y < minstates.length; y++ ) { if ( minstates[y] == x ) { minstates[y] = unique; } } unique++; } } // rearrange all the paths using the minstate array into a new path array int newpath[][] = new int[numstates][numterminals]; boolean newfinal[] = new boolean[numstates]; int minstatecounter = 0, minfinalcounter = 0; for ( int state = 0; state < numstates; state++ ) { // find all accessible vertecies and vertecies that have not been counted already if ( minstates[state] != -1 && minstatecounter <= minstates[state] ) { for ( int t = 0; t < numterminals; t++ ) { newpath[minstatecounter][t] = minstates[ path[state][t] ]; } if ( finalstates[state] ) { newfinal[minstatecounter] = true; minfinalcounter++; } else { newfinal[minstatecounter] = false; } minstatecounter++; } } path = newpath; numstates = minstatecounter; numfinalstates = minfinalcounter; finalstates = newfinal; } }