class Application < Merb::Controller def index redirect '/' end def current_user if session[:user_id] (@user ||= User.find(session[:user_id])) else (cookies[:session_id] ||= session[:session_id]) end end def logged_in? !session[:user_id].nil? end def administrator? logged_in? and current_user and current_user.administrator? end def reset_session session[:user_id] = nil end def get_photo_version(width, height) key = "photo_#{}_#{width}_#{height}" img = Cache.get(key)"#{@photo.base_directory}/#{@photo.filename}", "r") do |f| img = Magick::Image.from_blob(, height) Cache.put(key, img) end if img.nil? img end def fetch_allowed_user @user = if administrator? User.find_by_user_name params[:id] elsif logged_in? and params[:id] != current_user.user_name raise NotAcceptable else current_user end raise NotFound if @user.nil? end end