%style{ :type => 'text/css' } :sass #front_page blockquote :font-size 16px :padding 5px 0px 5px 15px :background-color #eeeeee :border-top 1px dashed #9f9f9f :border-right 1px dashed #9f9f9f :border-bottom 1px solid #d4d4d4 :border-left 1px solid #d4d4d4 em :margin-left 20px ul :width 400px li :padding 3px 10px 3px 10px :border 1px solid #c17d11 :background-color #e9b96e :margin 10px img :vertical-align middle a :font-weight bold :text-decoration none :color #8f5902 &:hover :color #5e3a01 %span#front_page %h1 What this is all about %blockquote All you young guys are on a binary system. It's either 0 or 1. %br %em Larry Bell %blockquote All you old guys are on the analog system. Join the digital revolution. %br %em Ross Bagwell %h1 Getting started %ul.no_list_style.centered - menu_items.each do |menu_item| %li %a{ :href => menu_item[:href], :title => menu_item[:name] } %img{ :src => menu_item[:img] } = menu_item[:title]