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<%= tagged_image_browser(@people) %>
<%= render :partial => 'pages/page' %>
<% lightbox :title => 'Send An Invitation', :window_id => 'invitation_dialog' do -%>
<div id="invitation_errors"></div>
<div class="centered">
<p>Enter the recipient's email address: <%= text_field_tag 'email' -%></p>
<div class="dialogControls">
<%= link_to_remote "Send", :url => { :controller => :invitations, :action => :send_invitation }, :with => "'email='+escape($('email').value)", :update => { :failure => 'invitation_errors', :success => 'person_invitations' }, :success => "Control.Modal.close()" -%>
<% end -%>
<% content_for :sidebar do -%>
<%= new_people_link -%><br />
<%= edit_people_link(@people) %><br />
<%= link_to 'Destroy', people_path(, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %><br />
<% unless @people.tagged_images.empty? -%><%= tagged_image_browser_link -%><br /><% end -%>
<%= show_friends_link(@people) -%><br />
<% unless == session[:people_id] or @people.friend_of?(session[:people_id]) -%><%= add_friend_link(@people) -%><br /><% end -%>
<% if @people.friend_of?(session[:people_id]) -%><%= remove_friend_link(@people) -%><br /><% end -%>
<%= link_to "#{pluralize(@people.beers.size, 'Beer')} Experience", experience_path(:id => -%><br />
<% if @people.beers.size == Beer.count -%><%= @people.title -%> is a god among men, having tried every beer.<br /><% end -%>
<span id="person_invitations"><%= render :partial => 'invitations/invitations' -%></span><br />
<% if has_permission_for_action?(:create, :invitations) -%><%= link_to_remote "#{image_tag('list-add.png')} Invitation", :update => 'person_invitations', :url => invitations_path, :with => "'people_id=#{}'", :success => "new Effect.Highlight('person_invitations', { duration: 2.0 })" -%><br /><% end -%>
<% end -%>