module ActiveRecord # :nodoc: class Base # :nodoc: class << self ## # This method will add a has_one :page association and a few useful # callbacks to the requested model. It expects to have a # :owner_class parameter given so that it knows what the owner class # name should be. The associated model will automatically be deleted # when this model is deleted. # # The Page will automatically have the title updated from the owner's # title field and be saved after a successful save. When a Page errors # on validation, the errors are automatically copied into the owner so # that the user doesn't even have to know what is going on. # def has_one_tuxwiki_page(options = {}) return if self.included_modules.include?(TuxWiki::HasOnePage) send :include, TuxWiki::HasOnePage # we need a class name for right now. i don't know how to inflect it # on my own, yet. options[:owner_class] ||= 'Page' class_eval do has_one :page, :foreign_key => 'owner_id', :dependent => :destroy, :conditions => "pages.owner_type = '#{options[:owner_class]}'" before_save :ensure_tuxwiki_page_valid after_save :save_tuxwiki_page end end end end end module TuxWiki # :nodoc: module HasOnePage # :nodoc: protected ## # This model always has a Page associated. Save it before this # model to make sure that everything is kosher with the name and # whatnot. # def save_tuxwiki_page end ## # This will let the Page model keep track of names being unique and # all. Might be nil, so let the after_save hook create it. Also # copies the errors from the page model into the owner model. # def ensure_tuxwiki_page_valid if self.errors.add(:page, "is missing") else = self = self.title do |key, val| self.errors.add(key, val) end if ! end return false if self.errors.size > 0 true end end end