module ApplicationHelper ## # Returns the title for a page. This could be a Page title or something else. # def page_title "BarleySodas :: #{content_title} :: #{secondary_title}" end ## # Returns a pretty name for the current chunk. # def content_title return h(@content_title) if @content_title controller.class.to_s.gsub(/Controller/, '') end ## # Returns a secondary title for a page. Returns @secondary_title or the # action in the controller. # def secondary_title return h(@secondary_title) if @secondary_title '' end ## # Returns a link for a Page model. # def link_to_page(page) link_to h(page.title), page_path({ :id => page.title_for_url }) end ## # Helper to set the allow_discussions field in the Page model. # def allow_page_discussions @page.allow_discussions = true end ## # Helper to check if Discussion is allowed. This should check the underlying # permissions first instead of looking in the model. # def discussions_allowed? @page and @page.allow_discussions? end ## # Generates a Tag cloud. # def tag_cloud(tags, classes = tag_cloud_styles) max, min = 0, 0 tags.each do |t| max = t.count.to_i if t.count.to_i > max min = t.count.to_i if t.count.to_i < min end divisor = ((max - min) / classes.size) + 1 tags.each do |t| yield, classes[(t.count.to_i - min) / divisor] end end ## # Returns an array of Tag styles for a cloud. # def tag_cloud_styles %w(tag_cloud_1 tag_cloud_2 tag_cloud_3 tag_cloud_4 tag_cloud_5) end ## # Replaces a WikiWord link with a link to a Page, if it exists. # def replace_wiki_words(str) str.gsub(/\[\[([A-Za-z0-9 \\]+)\]\]/) do |match| c_string, page_string = params[:controller], $1 if $1.match(/\\/) ary = $1.split(/\\/) c_string, page_string = ary.first, ary.last end owner_type = c_string.singularize.humanize res = '' if Page.exists?(page_string, owner_type) res = link_to(page_string, { :controller => c_string, :action => :show, :id => page_string.gsub(/ /, '_') }, { :title => "View #{page_string}" }) else res = link_to(page_string, { :controller => c_string, :action => :new, :new_title => page_string }, { :title => "Create #{page_string}" }) + '?' end res end end ## # Captures a block output and renders it in a partial as body # def block_to_partial(partial_name, options = {}, &block) options.merge!(:body => capture(&block)) concat(render(:partial => partial_name, :locals => options), block.binding) end ## # Helper to build a prototype dialog. # def lightbox(options = {}, &block) options = { :title => 'DialogTitle', :window_id => 'DialogId', :modal => false }.merge(options) block_to_partial('shared/lightbox', options, &block) end ## # Renders everything you need to display the TagImage browser. # def tagged_image_browser(obj) javascript_include_tag('control.modal.js') + render(:partial => 'shared/tagged_image_browser', :locals => { :obj => obj }) end ## # Pagination link image browser thingey for the tagged image lightbox. # def image_browser_navigation_link(image_name, page_number, total_pages, tagged_class, tagged_id) if page_number == 0 or (page_number == 1 and total_pages == 1) or (page_number > total_pages) image_tag(image_name) else link_to_remote image_tag(image_name), :update => 'browser_box', :url => { :controller => 'tag_images', :action => 'tagged_images', :id => tagged_id, :tagged_type => tagged_class, :page => page_number } end end ## # Link to open the dialog box for the tagged image browser. # def tagged_image_browser_link(obj = nil) link_to_function('Tagged Images', "lightboxes['tagged_image_browser'].open()") + (obj ? " (#{obj.tagged_images.size})" : '') end end