module ApplicationHelper ## # Returns the title for a page. This could be a Page title or something else. # def page_title "BarleySodas :: #{content_title} :: #{secondary_title}" end ## # Returns a pretty name for the current chunk. # def content_title return h(@content_title) if @content_title controller.class.to_s.gsub(/Controller/, '') end ## # Returns a secondary title for a page. Returns @secondary_title or the # action in the controller. # def secondary_title return h(@secondary_title) if @secondary_title params[:action].to_s.capitalize.gsub(/_/) do |x| $1.capitalize end end ## # Returns a link for a Page model. # def link_to_page(page) link_to h(page.title), page_path({ :id => page.title_for_url }) end ## # Helper to set the allow_discussions field in the Page model. # def allow_page_discussions @page.allow_discussions = true end ## # Helper to check if Discussion is allowed. This should check the underlying # permissions first instead of looking in the model. # def discussions_allowed? @page and @page.allow_discussions? end end