## # Represents a category that a Beer belongs to. # class Style < ActiveRecord::Base has_one_tuxwiki_page :owner_class => 'Style' belongs_to :parent, :foreign_key => 'parent_id', :class_name => 'Style' has_many :children, :foreign_key => 'parent_id', :class_name => 'Style', :order => 'position ASC' validates_presence_of :position has_many :beers ## # Top level beer styles. # def self.major_styles self.find(:all, :conditions => [ 'parent_id IS NULL' ], :order => 'position ASC') end ## # Returns a select compatible array for views. # def self.for_select self.find(:all, :include => [ 'parent' ]).sort { |a,b| if !a.parent.nil? and !b.parent.nil? and a.parent.position == b.parent.position a.position <=> b.position elsif a.parent.nil? and !b.parent.nil? and a.position == b.parent.position -1 elsif !a.parent.nil? and b.parent.nil? and a.parent.position == b.position 1 else (a.parent.nil? ? a.position : a.parent.position) <=> (b.parent.nil? ? b.position : b.parent.position) end }.collect { |s| unless s.parent.nil? [ "* #{s.position}. #{s.title}", s.id.to_s ] else [ "#{s.position}. #{s.title}", s.id.to_s ] end } end ## # Returns a list of attributes for a Page render. # def page_attributes pattr = [] unless parent.nil? pattr << "Parent Style: #{parent.title}" pattr << "Category Number: #{parent.position}.#{position}" else pattr << "Category Number: #{position}" end pattr << "Beers in this style: #{beers.size}" pattr end end