## # This model represents a user in the system. # class People < ActiveRecord::Base has_one_tuxwiki_page :owner_class => 'People' belongs_to :role attr_protected :role_id has_many :created_pages, :class_name => 'Page', :foreign_key => 'created_by' has_many :updated_pages, :class_name => 'Page', :foreign_key => 'updated_by' has_many :images, :dependent => :destroy has_many_tagged_images validates_uniqueness_of :title has_many :friends, :foreign_key => :source_id, :dependent => :destroy has_many :actual_friends, :through => :friends, :source => :destination has_many :experiences, :dependent => :destroy has_many :beers, :through => :experiences make_authenticatable validates_length_of :password, :minimum => 8, :if => :password_required?, :message => 'must be at least 8 characters in length' ## # Used to quickly determine if the particular id of another Person is a # Friend of this instance. # def friend_of?(people_id) Friend.count([ 'source_id = ? AND destination_id = ?', people_id, id ]) > 0 end ## # Finds me. # def self.penguincoder @penguincoder ||= self.find_by_title('PenguinCoder') rescue nil @penguincoder end protected ## # Determines if the password is needed. # def password_required? self.encrypted_password.blank? end end