require 'mini_magick' class Image < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessor :file belongs_to :people validates_presence_of :people_id before_validation_on_create :set_people_id before_create :validate_image_sanity after_create :setup_directories before_destroy :destroy_directories has_many :tag_images, :dependent => :destroy has_many :tagged_items, :through => :tag_images ## # Builds the filename for this model for a particular version of the file. # def filename_for_version(ver = :screen) if respond_to?(ver) "community/#{id}/#{self.send(ver)}" else "/images/image-missing.png" end end protected ## # Determines the base directory for all files in this model. # def base_directory "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/images/community/#{id}" end ## # Sets the People marker for ownership on creation. # def set_people_id self[:people_id] = ApplicationController.current_people_id rescue nil self[:people_id] ||= rescue nil end ## # Checks to make sure that the file exists and is an image. # def validate_image_sanity if @file.nil? or @file.to_s.empty? errors.add(:file, 'is not a file') return false end errors.add(:file, 'is too big (3MB max)') if @file.size > 3 * 1048576 begin @magick_image = MiniMagick::Image.from_blob(, File.extname(@file.original_filename)) rescue logger.debug("Caught an exception saving an image:") logger.debug("* #{$!}") errors.add(:file, 'is not an image') end return false if self.errors.size > 0 self.content_type = @file.content_type.chomp true end ## # Makes the directories and writes the different versions for the uploaded # files if applicable. # def setup_directories Dir.mkdir(base_directory) unless File.exist?(base_directory) self.original = File.basename(@file.original_filename).gsub(/[^\w._-]/, '') @magick_image.write("#{base_directory}/#{self.original}") @magick_image.thumbnail("600x600>") self.screen = "screen_#{self.original}" @magick_image.write("#{base_directory}/#{self.screen}") if @magick_image.output =~ / (\d+)x(\d+) / self.screen_width = $1 self.screen_height = $2 end @magick_image.thumbnail("50x50>") self.thumbnail = "thumbnail_#{self.original}" @magick_image.write("#{base_directory}/#{self.thumbnail}") end ## # Removes the directories and files associated with this model on destroy. # def destroy_directories return unless File.exists?(base_directory) Dir.foreach(base_directory) do |file| next if file =~ /^\.\.?$/ File.delete(base_directory + '/' + file) end Dir.delete(base_directory) end end