## # This model will represent a beverage produced by a Brewery. # class Beer < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :brewery has_one_tuxwiki_page :owner_class => 'Beer' belongs_to :style validates_presence_of :style_id has_many_tagged_images has_many :experiences, :dependent => :destroy has_many :people, :through => :experiences ## # Returns a list of attributes for the Page partial. # def page_attributes pattr = [] unless brewery.nil? pattr << "Brewery: #{brewery.title}" end pattr << "ABV: #{"%.1f" % abv}%" unless abv.to_s.empty? unless original_gravity.to_s.empty? pattr << "Original Gravity: #{original_gravity}" end unless final_gravity.to_s.empty? pattr << "Final Gravity: #{final_gravity}" end pattr << "Style: #{style.title}" pattr end end