class AutocompleteController < ApplicationController append_before_filter :ensure_xhr ## # Automatically finds and returns a nice list of things. It is stupid in that # it only finds the first thing available, but it will find it all. # # It expects to have parameters passed in the form: # # 'brewery' => { 'name' => 'foo' } # # Only one of those sets. If this is done, then all will be peachy. # def index key = params.keys.detect do |x| x.to_s != 'action' and x.to_s != 'controller' end render :nothing => true, :status => 500 if key.nil? @value = params[key].keys.first class_name = key.camelize.constantize render :nothing => true unless @items = class_name.find(:all, :order => "#{@value} ASC", :select => @value, :conditions => [ "lower(#{@value}) LIKE ?", "%#{params[key][@value].downcase}%" ]) render :partial => 'autocomplete/results' end protected ## # Allow pretty much everybody in here. Most likely this will not be able to # be misused. At least not right now. # def authorized? true end end