class GalleriesController < ApplicationController append_before_filter :fetch_image, :only => [ :show, :destroy, :download_original ] # GET /images # GET /images.xml def index @content_title = 'Image Gallery' cond_ary = [] cond_var = { :people_id => params[:id] } @secondary_title = "Everybody's Images" if params[:id] cond_ary << 'images.people_id = :people_id' @people = People.find(params[:id]) @secondary_title = "Images from #{@people.title}" end cond_ary << '1 = 1' if cond_ary.empty? @pages, @images = paginate :images, :per_page => per_page, :order => 'images.created_at DESC', :include => [ 'people' ], :conditions => [ cond_ary.join(' AND '), cond_var ][:notice] = 'There are no images yet.' if @images.empty? respond_to do |format| format.html # index.rhtml format.xml { render :xml => @images.to_xml } end end # GET /galleries/1 # GET /galleries/1.xml def show respond_to do |format| format.html # show.rhtml format.xml { render :xml => @image.to_xml } end end # GET /galleries/new def new @image = end # POST /images # POST /images.xml def create @image =[:image]) if flash[:notice] = 'Great success!' redirect_to gallery_url(@image) else render :action => :new end end # DELETE /galleries/1 # DELETE /galleries/1.xml def destroy @image.destroy flash[:notice] = 'Destroyed the image.' redirect_to galleries_url(:id => @image.people_id) end ## # Sends a copy of the original Image to the People. # def download_original send_file("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/images/" + @image.filename_for_version(:original), :disposition => 'inline', :type => @image.content_type) end protected def fetch_image @image = Image.find(params[:id]) end end