-module(day22). -export([start/0]). process_input(Filename) -> { ok, Input } = file:read_file(Filename), Lines = re:split(unicode:characters_to_list(string:chomp(Input)), "\n"), { process_line(Lines, 0, maps:new()), (length(Lines) div 2) }. process_line([], _Index, Map) -> Map; process_line([Head|Tail], Index, Map) -> process_line(Tail, Index + 1, process_chars(re:split(Head, ""), Index, 0, Map)). process_chars([], _Row, _Column, Map) -> Map; process_chars([Head|Tail], Row, Column, Map) when Head == <<"#">> -> process_chars(Tail, Row, Column + 1, maps:put({ Column, Row }, infected, Map)); process_chars([_Head|Tail], Row, Column, Map) -> process_chars(Tail, Row, Column + 1, Map). run_map(Map, Center) -> run_map(Map, 10000, 0, up, Center, Center, maps:get({ Center, Center }, Map, clean)). run_map(_Map, Iterations, Infections, _Direction, _X, _Y, _NodeState) when Iterations == 0 -> Infections; run_map(Map, Iterations, Infections, Direction, X, Y, NodeState) when NodeState == clean -> NewDirection = turn_left(Direction), { NewX, NewY } = move(NewDirection, X, Y), run_map(maps:put({ X, Y }, infected, Map), Iterations - 1, Infections + 1, NewDirection, NewX, NewY, maps:get({ NewX, NewY }, Map, clean)); run_map(Map, Iterations, Infections, Direction, X, Y, NodeState) when NodeState == infected -> NewDirection = turn_right(Direction), { NewX, NewY } = move(NewDirection, X, Y), run_map(maps:put({ X, Y }, clean, Map), Iterations - 1, Infections, NewDirection, NewX, NewY, maps:get({ NewX, NewY }, Map, clean)). turn_left(Direction) when Direction == up -> left; turn_left(Direction) when Direction == left -> down; turn_left(Direction) when Direction == down -> right; turn_left(Direction) when Direction == right -> up. turn_right(Direction) when Direction == up -> right; turn_right(Direction) when Direction == right -> down; turn_right(Direction) when Direction == down -> left; turn_right(Direction) when Direction == left -> up. move(Direction, X, Y) when Direction == up -> { X, Y - 1 }; move(Direction, X, Y) when Direction == left -> { X - 1, Y }; move(Direction, X, Y) when Direction == down -> { X, Y + 1 }; move(Direction, X, Y) when Direction == right -> { X + 1, Y }. run_map2(Map, Center) -> run_map2(Map, 10000000, 0, up, Center, Center, maps:get({ Center, Center }, Map, clean)). run_map2(_Map, Iterations, Infections, _Direction, _X, _Y, _NodeState) when Iterations == 0 -> Infections; run_map2(Map, Iterations, Infections, Direction, X, Y, NodeState) when NodeState == clean -> NewDirection = turn_left(Direction), { NewX, NewY } = move(NewDirection, X, Y), run_map2(maps:put({ X, Y }, weakened, Map), Iterations - 1, Infections, NewDirection, NewX, NewY, maps:get({ NewX, NewY }, Map, clean)); run_map2(Map, Iterations, Infections, Direction, X, Y, NodeState) when NodeState == weakened -> { NewX, NewY } = move(Direction, X, Y), run_map2(maps:put({ X, Y }, infected, Map), Iterations - 1, Infections + 1, Direction, NewX, NewY, maps:get({ NewX, NewY }, Map, clean)); run_map2(Map, Iterations, Infections, Direction, X, Y, NodeState) when NodeState == infected -> NewDirection = turn_right(Direction), { NewX, NewY } = move(NewDirection, X, Y), run_map2(maps:put({ X, Y }, flagged, Map), Iterations - 1, Infections, NewDirection, NewX, NewY, maps:get({ NewX, NewY }, Map, clean)); run_map2(Map, Iterations, Infections, Direction, X, Y, NodeState) when NodeState == flagged -> NewDirection = reverse_direction(Direction), { NewX, NewY } = move(NewDirection, X, Y), run_map2(maps:put({ X, Y }, clean, Map), Iterations - 1, Infections, NewDirection, NewX, NewY, maps:get({ NewX, NewY }, Map, clean)). reverse_direction(Direction) when Direction == up -> down; reverse_direction(Direction) when Direction == down -> up; reverse_direction(Direction) when Direction == left -> right; reverse_direction(Direction) when Direction == right -> left. start() -> { SampleInput, SampleCenter } = process_input("sample"), io:fwrite("sample center ~p number of infections ~p~n", [SampleCenter, run_map(SampleInput, SampleCenter)]), { ProblemInput, ProblemCenter } = process_input("problem"), io:fwrite("problem center ~p number of infections ~p~n", [ProblemCenter, run_map(ProblemInput, ProblemCenter)]), io:fwrite("sample part 2 center ~p number of infections ~p~n", [SampleCenter, run_map2(SampleInput, SampleCenter)]), io:fwrite("problem part 2 center ~p number of infections ~p~n", [ProblemCenter, run_map2(ProblemInput, ProblemCenter)]).