Fork 0

day 13 solution

Andrew Coleman 2017-12-13 02:01:32 -05:00
parent c4ed54a1fd
commit e9ea72ff34
2 changed files with 102 additions and 0 deletions

day13/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
all: day13.beam
erl -noshell -s day13 start -s init stop
erlc day13.erl
rm -f day13.beam

day13/day13.erl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
-> CalcMap = lists:foldl(fun(X, Sum) ->
[Index|Depth] = re:split(X, ": "),
{ IndexInt, _ } = string:to_integer(Index),
{ DepthInt, _ } = string:to_integer(Depth),
maps:put(IndexInt, DepthInt, Sum)
end, maps:new(), re:split(Input, "\n")),
LastStep = lists:max(maps:keys(CalcMap)),
InitialSeverity = calc_severity(CalcMap, update_positions(CalcMap, 0), 0, 0, LastStep, 0),
SafeDelay = calc_delay(CalcMap, LastStep, 0),
{ InitialSeverity, SafeDelay }.
calc_delay(CalcMap, LastStep, Delay)
-> PositionMap = update_positions(CalcMap, Delay),
CurrentSeverity = calc_delay(CalcMap, PositionMap, Delay, 0, LastStep),
if CurrentSeverity == 0 -> Delay;
true -> calc_delay(CalcMap, LastStep, Delay + 1)
calc_delay(_CalcMap, _PositionMap, _Picosecond, PacketIndex, LastStep)
when PacketIndex > LastStep -> 0;
calc_delay(CalcMap, PositionMap, Picosecond, PacketIndex, LastStep)
-> CurrentPosition = maps:get(PacketIndex, PositionMap, -1),
if CurrentPosition == 0 -> 1;
true -> calc_delay(CalcMap, update_positions(CalcMap, Picosecond + 1), Picosecond + 1, PacketIndex + 1, LastStep)
calc_severity(_CalcMap, _PositionMap, _Picosecond, PacketIndex, LastStep, Score)
when PacketIndex > LastStep -> Score;
calc_severity(CalcMap, PositionMap, Picosecond, PacketIndex, LastStep, Score)
-> CurrentPosition = maps:get(PacketIndex, PositionMap, -1),
UpdatedPositions = update_positions(CalcMap, Picosecond + 1),
if CurrentPosition == 0 -> calc_severity(CalcMap, UpdatedPositions, Picosecond + 1, PacketIndex + 1, LastStep, Score + (PacketIndex * maps:get(PacketIndex, CalcMap)));
true -> calc_severity(CalcMap, UpdatedPositions, Picosecond + 1, PacketIndex + 1, LastStep, Score)
update_positions(CalcMap, Picosecond)
-> lists:foldl(fun(X, Sum) ->
CurrentDepth = maps:get(X, CalcMap),
if (Picosecond div (CurrentDepth - 1)) rem 2 == 0 -> maps:put(X, (Picosecond rem (CurrentDepth - 1)), Sum);
true -> maps:put(X, (CurrentDepth - (Picosecond rem CurrentDepth)), Sum)
end, maps:new(), maps:keys(CalcMap)).
-> io:fwrite("~p~n", [calc_severity("0: 3
1: 2
4: 4
6: 4")]),
io:fwrite("~p~n", [calc_severity("0: 3
1: 2
2: 4
4: 6
6: 4
8: 6
10: 5
12: 6
14: 9
16: 6
18: 8
20: 8
22: 8
24: 8
26: 8
28: 8
30: 12
32: 14
34: 10
36: 12
38: 12
40: 10
42: 12
44: 12
46: 12
48: 12
50: 12
52: 14
54: 14
56: 12
62: 12
64: 14
66: 14
68: 14
70: 17
72: 14
74: 14
76: 14
82: 14
86: 18
88: 14
96: 14
98: 44")]).