Fork 0

125 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2017-12-20 16:06:36 -05:00
-export([start/0, simulate_particle/6]).
-> Lines = re:split(Input, "\n"),
process_input_lines(Lines, 0, []).
process_input_lines([], _Index, Particles)
-> Particles;
process_input_lines([Line|Tail], Index, Particles)
-> [Position,Velocity,Acceleration|_] = re:split(Line, ", "),
PositionTuple = process_input_coordinate(Position),
VelocityTuple = process_input_coordinate(Velocity),
AccTuple = process_input_coordinate(Acceleration),
process_input_lines(Tail, Index + 1, lists:append(Particles, [{ Index, PositionTuple, VelocityTuple, AccTuple }])).
-> Coord = string:slice(RawCoord, 3, string:length(RawCoord) - 4),
[X,Y,Z|_] = re:split(Coord, ","),
{ XInt, _ } = string:to_integer(X),
{ YInt, _ } = string:to_integer(Y),
{ ZInt, _ } = string:to_integer(Z),
{ XInt, YInt, ZInt }.
-> spawn_processors(Particles),
-> get_processor_output(Iterations, { -1, -1 }).
get_processor_output(Iterations, Result)
when Iterations == 0 -> Result;
get_processor_output(Iterations, Result)
-> { _MinIndex, MinDistance } = Result,
{ Index, Distance } when MinDistance == -1; Distance < MinDistance -> NewResult = { Index, Distance }, get_processor_output(Iterations - 1, NewResult);
{ _Index, _Distance } -> get_processor_output(Iterations - 1, Result)
-> Iterations = 1000,
spawn_processors(Particles, Iterations).
spawn_processors([], _Iterations)
-> true;
spawn_processors([Head|Tail], Iterations)
-> { Index, Position, Velocity, Acceleration } = Head,
spawn(?MODULE, simulate_particle, [self(), Index, Position, Velocity, Acceleration, Iterations]),
spawn_processors(Tail, Iterations).
simulate_particle(Parent, Index, Position, _Velocity, _Acceleration, Iterations)
when Iterations == 0 -> { X, Y, Z } = Position,
Distance = abs(X) + abs(Y) + abs(Z),
Parent ! { Index, Distance };
simulate_particle(Parent, Index, Position, Velocity, Acceleration, Iterations)
-> { PX, PY, PZ } = Position,
{ VX, VY, VZ } = Velocity,
{ AX, AY, AZ } = Acceleration,
NewVX = AX + VX,
NewVY = AY + VY,
NewVZ = AZ + VZ,
NewV = { NewVX, NewVY, NewVZ },
NewPX = NewVX + PX,
NewPY = NewVY + PY,
NewPZ = NewVZ + PZ,
NewP = { NewPX, NewPY, NewPZ },
simulate_particle(Parent, Index, NewP, NewV, Acceleration, Iterations - 1).
calc_collisions(Iterations, _Positions, BadParticles, TotalParticleCount)
when Iterations == 0 -> io:fwrite("found ~p collided particles of ~p total particles, ~p remain~n", [length(BadParticles), TotalParticleCount, TotalParticleCount - length(BadParticles)]), BadParticles;
calc_collisions(Iterations, Positions, BadParticles, TotalParticleCount)
-> %io:fwrite("calculating collisions on ~p~n", [Iterations]),
{ CheckPositions, NextPositions } = lists:partition(fun(X) -> { _Index, Iteration, _Position } = X, Iteration == Iterations end, Positions),
%io:fwrite("check positions ~p~n", [CheckPositions]),
{ _, FilteredPositions } = lists:partition(fun(X) -> { Index, _Iteration, _Position } = X, lists:any(fun(Y) -> Y == Index end, BadParticles) end, CheckPositions),
CollidedPositions = lists:filter(fun(CheckPosition) ->
{ Index, _Iteration, Position } = CheckPosition,
{ X, Y, Z } = Position,
lists:any(fun(NextPosition) ->
{ OtherIndex, _OtherIteration, OtherPosition } = NextPosition,
{ OtherX, OtherY, OtherZ } = OtherPosition,
(Index /= OtherIndex) and (OtherX == X) and (OtherY == Y) and (OtherZ == Z)
end, CheckPositions)
end, FilteredPositions),
%io:fwrite("collidedpositions ~p~n", [CollidedPositions]),
Found = lists:map(fun(X) -> { Index, _Iteration, _Position } = X, Index end, CollidedPositions),
calc_collisions(Iterations - 1, NextPositions, lists:append(BadParticles, Found), TotalParticleCount).
get_all_positions(_Particle, Steps, Positions)
when Steps == 0 -> Positions;
get_all_positions(Particle, Steps, Positions)
-> { Index, Position, Velocity, Acceleration } = Particle,
{ PX, PY, PZ } = Position,
{ VX, VY, VZ } = Velocity,
{ AX, AY, AZ } = Acceleration,
NewVX = AX + VX,
NewVY = AY + VY,
NewVZ = AZ + VZ,
NewV = { NewVX, NewVY, NewVZ },
NewPX = NewVX + PX,
NewPY = NewVY + PY,
NewPZ = NewVZ + PZ,
NewP = { NewPX, NewPY, NewPZ },
get_all_positions({ Index, NewP, NewV, Acceleration }, Steps - 1, lists:append(Positions, [{ Index, Steps, NewP }])).
-> Iterations = 1000,
Positions = lists:flatten(lists:map(fun(X) -> get_all_positions(X, Iterations, []) end, Particles)),
calc_collisions(Iterations, Positions, [], length(Particles)).
-> Sample = "p=<3,0,0>, v=<2,0,0>, a=<-1,0,0>
p=<4,0,0>, v=<0,0,0>, a=<-2,0,0>",
io:fwrite("closest particle sample ~p~n", [find_closest_particle(process_input_string(Sample))]),
{ ok, File } = file:read_file("input"),
ProblemInput = process_input_string(unicode:characters_to_list(string:chomp(File))),
io:fwrite("closest particle problem input ~p~n", [find_closest_particle(ProblemInput)]),
Sample2 = "p=<-6,0,0>, v=<3,0,0>, a=<0,0,0>
p=<-4,0,0>, v=<2,0,0>, a=<0,0,0>
p=<-2,0,0>, v=<1,0,0>, a=<0,0,0>
p=<3,0,0>, v=<-1,0,0>, a=<0,0,0>",
io:fwrite("collided particle sample ~p~n", [find_collided_particles(process_input_string(Sample2))]),
io:fwrite("collided particle problem input ~p~n", [find_collided_particles(ProblemInput)]).