Fork 0

103 lines
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from time import time
def reverse(text, repeat):
knot = list(range(256))
pos = 0
skip = 0
for isntevenused in range(repeat):
for i in text:
temp = []
for j in range(i):
temp.append(knot[(pos+j) % 256])
for j in range(i):
knot[(pos+i-1-j) % 256] = temp[j]
pos += skip + i
skip += 1
return knot
def dense(knot):
dense = [0]*16
for i in range(16):
dense[i] = knot[16*i]
for m in range(1, 16):
dense[i] ^= knot[16*i+m]
return dense
def kh(dense):
knothash = ''
for i in dense:
if len(hex(i)[2:]) == 2:
knothash += hex(i)[2:]
knothash += '0' + hex(i)[2:]
return knothash
start = time()
def hextobin(hexval):
thelen = len(hexval)*4
binval = bin(int(hexval, 16))[2:]
while ((len(binval)) < thelen):
binval = '0' + binval
return binval
marked = [[0 for x in range(128)] for y in range(128)]
frag = []
def colorize(cur_x, cur_y, current_color):
if cur_x >= 128 or cur_x < 0:
return False
if cur_y >= 128 or cur_y < 0:
return False
if marked[cur_x][cur_y] != 0:
return False
if frag[cur_x][cur_y] == 0:
marked[cur_x][cur_y] = -1
return False
marked[cur_x][cur_y] = current_color
return (colorize(cur_x + 1, cur_y, current_color) or colorize(cur_x - 1, cur_y, current_color) or colorize(cur_x, cur_y - 1, current_color) or colorize(cur_x, cur_y + 1, current_color))
def colorize_until_filled():
first_x = -1
first_y = -1
num_colors = 0
while(first_x == -1 and first_y == -1):
for x in range(128):
for y in range(128):
if marked[x][y] == 0:
first_x = x
first_y = y
if first_x != -1:
if first_x >= 0 and first_y >= 0:
if frag[first_x][first_y] == 1:
num_colors += 1
colorize(first_x, first_y, num_colors)
marked[first_x][first_y] = -1
first_x = -1
first_y = -1
return num_colors
raw_inp = 'ugkiagan'
#raw_inp = 'flqrgnkx'
one_count = 0
for k in range(128):
text2 = []
inp = raw_inp + '-' + str(k)
for i in range(len(inp)):
text2 += [17, 31, 73, 47, 23]
knothash = kh(dense(reverse(text2, 64)))
bin_str = hextobin(knothash)
frag += [map((lambda x: int(x)), list(bin_str))]
one_count += bin_str.count("1")
print('Found ' + str(one_count) + ' ones and ' + str(colorize_until_filled()) + ' distinct regions.')
print('Completed in ' + str(time() - start) + ' seconds.')